Proper Pivot Video

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Uploaded by Rich Greenwood on 9/17/2013 Director of Instruction at Tour Golf in Agoura Hills, California, talks about the importance of making a proper back swing pivot and the common mistakes people make while do that pivot. This is example of what is not a proper pivot. In fact, we call this a reverse pivot. A reverse pivot is when your head or upper body goes towards the target and lower body goes away from the target. In fact, this is a power lose. This doesn't allow you to get behind the golf ball or put the club in the proper plane. In fact, you are going to have to actually flip the club back into impact to try and square the club up because your upper body is out in front of the golf ball. Now the example of what a proper pivot should be its going to feel like your body is going to go two directions at the same time. You are going to feel like your right hip is going in and towards the target. And your upper body is going to go away from the target allowing your head to m
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