On Plane

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Uploaded by Rich Greenwood on 9/6/2014
www.RichGreenwoodGolf.com Hi. I’m Rich Greenwood, Director, Instructions here at Tour Golf in Agoura Hills, California. Today I want to talk to you about how you can hit the ball further, straighter and more solid by having the correct plane. Here is a couple of examples of an incorrect plane. This first swing here, what you going to do is see that the club is going to go across the line, across the plane so you see how the club is going above line four and you could see as the club is going over my head. On a downswing, what’s going to happen is that the club is going to route under as it is much more difficult to get the club to point at the golf ball like right here club actually going to fall under the plane and chances are it becomes too much on the inside and have to hook it on over. The second backswing is we are going to describe the laid off position and that is when the club is laid back and doesn’t match the plane lines. You’d see now that at the top of the backswing, the c
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